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Class registration is now open!
Grades 4-12
10 Classes

Cost $105

Questions? Connect with us.

For steel drum classes please email:
For marimba classes please email:

Cancellations prior to the second day of class will be refunded in full, minus PayPal processing fees. No refunds after that period. Payments may be forwarded to the next session.

January 21 - March 25
Culmination Concert: March 27th

Steel Drums Beginner
For beginner level students in grades 4-6
4:00pm - 5:00pm
uctor: Ms. Kayla Hinde, Ms. Anja Powers

Marimba Beginner
For beginner level students in grades 4-6
4:15pm - 5:15pm
Instructor: Mr. Hampton

January 22 - March 26
Culmination Concert: March 27th

Steel Drums With Experience
For students with some music experience*
or grades 6-12 beginners
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Instructor: Ms. Kayla Hinde, Ms. Anja Powers

*Music experience equals one of the following: Participation in a school steel band or marimba group, participation in a middle or high school band or orchestra, or participation in summer steel drum or marimba classes.

Marimba Mixed Levels
For students with experience
or grades 6-12 beginners
4:15pm - 5:15pm
Instructor: Mr. Hampton

We're so excited to see you in class!

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