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Walt Hampton received his teaching certificate as well as Bachelor of Music and Master of Music degrees in Percussion Performance from Central Washington University. He has performed with countless performing groups of all genres on several different instruments.

Walt has presented clinics and workshops on three continents, as well as

national, regional, and state conventions for AOSA, NAfME and MENC. He frequently tours and performs with his student groups, ‘Bahuru, ‘Baduku and Rugare, performing everything from Zimbabwean-style marimba to minimalist marimba groove music.

Mr. Hampton has published three books, Hot Marimba!, Marimba Mojo!, and Son of Hot Marimba which are available worldwide, and continues to compose and arrange music in several different genres.

Walt has just retired after 34 years of teaching music in the state of Washington, USA.

Walt has received several awards for his teaching, including the Washington State Excellence in Education Award.

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