Bahuru Parent Group - Hampton
TCSBA Board Emails:
Volunteer Position Booklet
Sign Up Genius
GIG CALENDAR AND TO UPLOAD PHOTOS: Please do not post more photos on Shutterfly. This platform will be discontinued in February. The board is looking for other options.
Amazon Smile:
Amazon Smile
Click on Amazon Smile (above) and click on the “Get Started” button.
Login or create your Amazon account.
In the “Search” box, type in TCSBA.
Click the “Select” button next to Tri City Steelband Association TCSBA.
New users will be prompted to “Agree” with the terms and understanding that in order for TCSBA to receive a percentage of their purchases, they must login to the Smile Amazon link when they shop in the future.
Happy Shopping!
E-Scripts: eScrip Community Card (donates 1% of your spending to your organization(s) of choice)
Here is the link to sign up:
EScrip Sign Up
Stat sign up with your information
To select our organization search for Tri- City Steel Band Association (yes, there is a space after the dash)
Register phone numbers or cards
Done! It's that simple.
FACEBOOK PARENT SITE: (Marimba does not have one.)
ALL PAYMENT OPTIONS AVAILABLE (Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly)
Be sure to open the ABOUT GROUP Tab.
Yearly Pay in Full Option: Check Only. You may drop off the check at the studio (treasurer's box) or you may mail it to: TCSBA, PO BOX 4685, West Richland, WA 99353.
Monthly Option - after clicking on the button (scroll to the band your child is in)
Quarterly - enter your child's name
Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, get updates and share videos. Please feel free to post freely. We will be posting an updated gig calendar as things change or new gigs are added and deleting the old one to avoid confusion. Please ensure your browser is refreshed so you can see the most recent post. An email is sent to you only when a new post is added, you will only see comments if you look for them, so if something is of interest to you please keep an eye out.
Outdated posts may be edited/deleted to make viewing easier.
Thanks all! Feedback is more than welcome! Post in the group or email Monica at:
- Private
Only approved members can view this group.
Shown to site visitors.
March 14, 2022
Created by